Day of Ash: Mail Run

Every Saturday before the D&D game I run, is the mail run. Yes, I’m a geek, but let’s stay on subject. This mail run consists, of driving from where we live, into OKC. About 45 minutes, give or take. The reason we have a mailbox in the city, is so we can get our mail and not have it stolen from our mailbox at the house. The joys of living in the rural area. We don’t use a “Post Office Box”, so we can actually get packages delivered to that address as well. It’s just easier.

It also gives an excuse to get the other errands done at the same time, because then we are at the “big city”.

Day of Ash: Mail Run

Of course, Ash knows what day it is, and he stood there looking at me. Tail slightly wagging with a quiet feedback whine from time to time. Just to remind me, that we should be going


Which of course also leads to the “before we get in the car” ritual of zoomies and potty time.


It’s hard to tell, but he is almost at full tilt run here. I say almost, because what he does, is he runs straight at me and then turns at the last second. Which I find funny, because when I was a teenager, I did the same thing to my friends.

Day of Ash: Mail Run

He does this a few times, then eventually he ends up in a messed up play bow, skittering his front paws all about until I say enough, or he decides it’s really time to get in the car and go.

Day of Ash: Mail Run

After a bit of this, we finally get in the car and go. It was our normal mail run. First we hit the mailbox in OKC, and as I can park right in front, it’s only a few feet, I hobble my way in with out him. That means he is standing with his front feet on the center console staring at me through the glass front. This run had my Loot Crate, so that is a fun thing for later. Then we drive over to the “big box store” to get our weekly supplies. It’s like clock work for us. His head out the window while we find a parking spot, then finally getting out of the car, feet up to put the pack on, grabbing a shopping cart, and away we go.

While in there, I said “Thank you.”, “Akita.”, and “Please don’t.” at least 8 times. It was a short stop this time, only about 45 minutes.

It even got so bad at one point, Ash was giving people “the look” every time they tried to interact with him. Which stopped the interaction right quick. He normally likes the attention, but can tell it gets to me after a bit.

Day of Ash: Mail Run

After loading everything into the car, I decide to leave his pack on while I call home to make sure we are not missing anything. Which was a no, so while in the fast food drive thru, I unclip his pack and slip it off of him. Yes, I know, fast food is bad for me, but it’s my guilty pleasure on the mail run. That and Ash gets a bite of something as well.

On the way back, I realize I need to pick up more dog shampoo so we stop at the Pet Smart. As I am feeling decent still, and this store allows “pets”, I don’t put his pack on. He really knows the difference between “working” and “not working” when it comes to the pack. With out the pack, oh man, I think I made a mistake. He was still under control, but it was all about what he wanted. Heading over to the treats, then to the toys, then to the girl who squeeled, and then .. it happens.

He lifted it leg and started to mark a corner of one of the shelves. Which I stopped right quick. Mortified I put back all the treats and toys, Ash feedback whining because he knows he just messed up. I apologize multiple times to the store staff, and offer some of my own cleaning supplies. Of course, they are all “Oh, he just had to go, it’s ok!” .. No. It’s not.

So, we got the shampoo, that’s it. I don’t scold Ash or anything though, as the moment as passed, and… It was my fault as well. I didn’t see if he needed to pee before we went in. Bad human.

We then get home, and I let him out of the car. Ash just stands there looking at me, knowing I am still annoyed. More at myself, but he doesn’t know the difference. I shake it off, smile, and thump his side so he knows it will be ok, which leads to full on Zoomies. I even have a video of it this time.

After we get inside, I start going through the Loot Crate, which has Ash and the others watching intently. For some reason, they have extreme interest in it.

This time, there was something for Ash.

Day of Ash: Mail Run

He got himself a plushie face hugger.

Deep Thought: I actually thought long and hard about posting our mishap, and decided I should. As even the best trained dogs, those who have a purpose beyond companion and know their jobs, can have mistakes. It’s a disservice to those who read these posts, if those mistakes are hidden. When you see a service team in public, and a mishap does take place. Watch the handler. We are mortified, as we are trying to figure out how to clean up or rectify the situation. Odds are it is something that rarely happens, and they are taking it to heart. In my personal experience, meaning there are exceptions, those who fake the service dog don’t react in this way. There are other clues as well. My point though is this… Don’t think someone is a fraud because of one incident. Mistakes will happen. .. It still is bothering me, as this time, and the one time before are both my fault. Not Ash’s.


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