Day of Ash: Tuesday’s Tail

Have you ever woken up to a tail smacking you in the face on a Tuesday morning?

That’s how my morning started thanks to Ash. It would seem he was trying to wake me up for awhile, and then decided to uncurl his tail and smack me with it.


Because he could hear the puppies.

We have a new rule in our house though. No puppies unless you eat your full meal.

As he didn’t, we hit the road and he sulked the whole way to work.

No papers this morning, again. He was happy to carry my soda though, so that worked out.

When we got in the elevator, someone else got on as well and promptly said; “What’s with the pet?”

I didn’t even look at him. I just droned out; “He is not a pet, he is a mobility assistance service dog.” and then ignored him.

That is until the doors opened up on the floor all the higher level managers are on and he got off. Uh oh.

During my team meeting, as it is informal, I let him lay down next to me, rather than under the table.

Day of Ash: Fat Tuesday

As you can see by the expression, he is still sad about not seeing the puppies.

At one point in the day, after a potty break, I had him carry his water bottle that he does not like back to the desk.

Yet, while I had him put his feet up to put it on the desk, he dropped it on the floor. That got the “look” from me. So he hopped down, and put his paw right into his water bucket. Dumping it all over.

Grabbed his towel, as I prepared for this, and cleaned it up by dropping the towel and then stepping all over it. It worked.

Ash was kind enough to pick the wet towel up and set it on the desk though. So it is still a win.

On our way home, we had to stop to get gas and some supplies. While in the parking lot of one place, he apparently was flirting with the lady in the car next to mine. I came out to her coming in saying I have a “beautiful” dog. I smiled and went about my way.

Ash was standing on the center console with his front feet giving me the “YOU LEFT ME!” look he always gives me when I go into some place quickly with out him.

Day of Ash: Fat Tuesday

While getting gas he was watching things around the car, and then decided I had to pet him.

Day of Ash: Fat Tuesday

When we got home, he ran inside and started pestering right way for dinner. I think he is learning that he has to eat first.

Of course, he ate all his meal, so he got some puppy time.

Day of Ash: Fat Tuesday

The cleaning of puppy face one.

Day of Ash: Fat Tuesday

Which actually had the puppy turn and lick Ash’s nose.

Day of Ash: Fat Tuesday

Then of course another puppy had to come visit.


(Posts will be a day behind going forward, as that lets me do them on my breaks the following day.)

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